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visitors since
September 8, 1997.

Vol. 3, No. 26
An up-to-date look at events taking place in the Hillsborough
High School Band program, and news on things to come. All dates and times are subject to change without advance
notice on this page.
Updated periodically.
[News] [Schedules]
Reported May 3, 2000
The event that wraps things up for the 1999-2000 Big Red Band as a whole took place at the Blaise F. Alfano, M.D., Memorial Center on Tuesday, May 2. People filed in around 7 p.m. that evening to take part in dining, reflection,
and recognition in the annual Band Banquet. Approximately 190 students, parents, family members, and Hillsborough faculty and staff, including first-year Principal Tom Rao and Assistant Principal of the International Baccalaureate
Program Gary McCutcheon, were in attendance.
Following the invocation by Band Boosters board member Terry Tyree, the main entrée of chicken and vegetables was served.
Band parent and the banquet emcee Bill Kaufman introduced the booster's President Lester Holland to distribute volunteer and chaperone awards and recognitions.
Thirty-seven people were honored for committing a minimum of 25 hours of service at a variety of Band functions. The Rieger Award, given to volunteers who perform above and beyond the call of duty,
was presented to Pat and Vivian Perez, parents "who always offered a hand" when called for, said second vice president Donna Miller. In turn, Holland named Miller this year's recipient of the President's Award --
"I couldn't have done it without this lady," proclaimed Holland.
Farewells were given to senior board members Holland, Jan McElroy, Miller, and Kathy Rieger.
Dancerette coach Dawn Rohm was next to present awards to the fabulous auxiliary squad, first honoring the parents of the young ladies, commenting, "We would not be as successful without them." Following distribution of letters and bars,
Rohm saved special recognition for her departing captains Tiffany Bogle, Alysha Cobb, and Devany Zmistowski. "These are students who worked so hard this year, helping the squad earn their first Superior at UDA camp, a wonderful accomplishment. I appreciate
everything you've done this year."
A partial listing of individual awards are listed below.
With hundreds of certificates, letters, bars, patches, and plaques to hand out, plus with time quickly passing by on a school night, Band director George Farmer breezed through his ton of award-winning students in his Band and the many honors they received --
a Superior in the district marching festival, 80-some students earning the top rating in the solo and ensemble festival, Hillsborough Bands were two among just seven out of 33 participating in the FBA concert festival that received overall Superior ratings, one of them with
straight Superiors, missing a Superior in the Dixie Classic Festival by one point. In a humorous change of pace, Band and Orchestra students were recognized for light-hearted accomplishments, such as the best dancers in the Band's performance of "Back That Thang Up"
during marching season.
The major announcement of the night was left until the very end of the banquet, when Band alumnus and Florida State University marching band member and officer Louis Malave (HHS c/o '96) announced the successors to the throne of Big Red Band Drum Major -- juniors Clare Farmer and
Jacqueline Rupert, resulting in an uproar of applause from the audience. Malave, an evaluator in the selection process, admitted that the five finalists were all qualified to help lead the next Band, and that it was "a very close call," and not an easy one to make.
Farmer and Rupert replace departing senior Drum Major Jonathan Chulikavit and oust junior Robert Jennings. The 2000-2001 Dancerette squad will be announced on May 6.
Below are partial listings of students who received various awards and accolades, listed in random order.
Dancerettes: Lauren Collato, Megan Davis, Lauren Flanigan, Darcy Emerald, Chantell Gonzalez, Laurie Irizarry, Temena Johnson, Tavia Williams
Orchestra: Amanda Phillips, Arthur Edwards, Caroline Baker, Donna Goo, Gabrielle Zarat, Jeanette Breyer, Jordan Wallace, Justin Schuch, Natalie Rosalo, Sarah Hernandez, William Shaft
Band: Adrian Evans, Antonio Mercado, Caroline Kaufman, Casey Ackermann, Christopher Davis, Christopher Rodriguez, Elizabeth Saunders, Jesse Riley, Juanita Glenn, John McAlister, Margaret Conti,
Ryan Nelson, Tiffany Gabler, Anisha Watson, Jasmine Cashon.
Dancerettes: Cristiann Blanco, Roxanne Deak, Leslie Diaz, Erica Fernandez, Lisa Holroyd, Naja Reyes, Laura Volz, Rebecca Wells, Jamie Allison
Individual Dancerette Awards
Leadership: Cristiann Blanco
110%: Rebecca Wells
Most Improved: Temena Johnson
All-Stars: Tiffany Bogle, Erica Fernandez
Music Units -- Outstanding Leadership
Orchestra: Amanda Phillips, Anja Labico, Chrismarie Morales, Christine Rojas, David Rojas, Daniel Watson, Jenifer Hordge, Jennifer Kranz, Jesse Hsu, John DiMarco, Joseph Prado, Lauren Cline, Lauren Genzler, Laurie Keeble, Mallory Mak, Megan Longmire,
Pattaya Kaeowichien, Phillip Lee, Roland Finch, Samamtha Gengler, Sarah Hernandez, Stephanie Bennett, Tyler Mincey
Band: Adrian Evans, Akisha Brewster, Kenneth Long, Amanda Phillips, Amber Weinsheimer, Amy Miller, Angela Harn, Antonio Mercado, Avi Silverman, Melissa Dickenson, Brian Williams, Calena Williams, Casey Ackermann, Clare Farmer, Christian Rodriguez, Eddie Pinto, Erik Greensfelder,
Frederic Simmons, Jacqueline Rupert, Jason Ravenel, Jennifer Chavez, Jennifer Jessee, Jennifer Kranz, Jerry Pope, Jennifer LaBorda, Jesse Riley, John Kubiak, John Samuelsen, John Scaduto, Joshua Rudolph, Kristin Bledsoe, Lena Patel, Lindsay Burns, Margaret Conti, Maria Perez, Mary Watson,
Megan Rieger, Morgan Perry, Deji Oguntebi, Lola Oguntebi, Ricco Hicks, Robert Jennings, Ryan McKay, Ryan Nelson, Sakina Judge, Sarah Quick, Shari Walcott, Stacey Quick, Shari Russell, Ty Tyree, Yasmin Castro, Zachary Goldman, Z'Dany Chisholm, Andrew Curtis
Outstanding Musicianship
Orchestra: Amanda Phillips, Anja Labico, Carolyn Baker, David Rojas, Jenifer Hordge, Jennifer Kranz, Jesse Hsu, Lauren Cline, Mallory Mak, Gary Watson, Pattaya Kaeowichien, Phillip Lee, Rachel Cackling, Tyler Mincey
Band: Akisha Brewster, Amanda Phillips, Kenneth Long, Amber Weinsheimer, Andre Pham, Andrew Deak, Ashley Boggs, Avi Silverman, Melissa Dickenson, Brandon Richards, Caroline Kaufman, Christina Dinwoodie, Chris Sampson, Christopher Smith, Clare Farmer, Erik Greensfelder, Frederic Simmons,
Jacqueline Rupert, Jennifer Jessee, Jerry Pope, Jesse Riley, John Kubiak, John McAlister, John Scaduto, Joshua Rudolph, Kristin Bledsoe, Lindsay Burns, Maria Perez, Mary Watson, Megan Longmire, Megan Rieger, Deji Oguntebi, Lola Oguntebi, Ricco Hicks, Richard Peterika, Richard Zak, Robert Jennings,
Ryan McKay, Ryan Nelson, Samantha Genzler, Sarah Quick, Stacey Quick, Tara Port, Ty Tyree, Zachary Goldman, Z'Dany Chisholm, Andrew Curtis
Individual Music Awards
Outstanding Percussionist -- Richard Stribling (for his idea and performance in playing "Saving Private Ryan")
"Back That Thang Up" -- Jennifer Laborda and Adrian Evans (for best performers of the dance moves in the 1999 marching show)
"Do You Love Me?" -- Andrew and Roxanne Deak, Z'Dany Chisholm and Ashley White, and Robert Jennings and Alysha Cobb (dancing duos in the marching show)
All-State Orchestra Member -- Jesse Hsu (first chair violin)
All-County Honors Band Members -- Lindsay Burns, Clare Farmer, Akisha Brewster, David Rojas, Christine Rojas, Lauren Cline
Senior Awards
Outstanding Leadership:
-- Sarena Scoggins
Band -- John Samuelsen
Outstanding Musicianship:
-- David Rojas
Band -- Christopher Smith
-- Pattaya Kaeowichien
Band -- Megan Rieger
John Philip Sousa -- Z'Dany Chisholm
Fun Awards
"Paper Caper" -- Sarena Scoggins (who frequently made copies for Mr. Farmer)
Lucille Ball -- Tara Port (who would always find a way out of a compromising situation and solve a problem)
Three Stooges -- Chris Smith, Richard Zak, Andy Deak
Big Red Bubble Gum -- Brandi Richards
Greatest Lovers of the Band -- Jennifer Kranz/John Samuelsen
Mel Carter -- Morgan Perry/Jennifer Chavez
2000-2001 Big Red Band
Drum Majors -- Clare Farmer, Jacqueline Rupert
Section Leaders:
-- Ashley Boggs
Clarinet -- Akisha Brewster
Trumpet -- Andrew Deak
Saxophone -- Tori Evans
Percussion -- Kenneth Long
Low Brass -- Maria Perez, Erik Greensfelder, Caroline Kaufman, Joshua Rudolph
Dance Instruction -- Robert Jennings
Mr. Farmer has reversed his earlier claims to partial retirement, agreeing to remain director of all parts of the Big Red Band through the 2000-2001
school year. Earlier this calendar year, Farmer relayed intentions of relinquishing his directorship over the marching and concert units of the Band, which would result in the
first change in Band director since 1989. Mr. Farmer announced during the banquet that the 2000 marching season show would feature selections from pop musician Michael Jackson.
In this year's Tampa Tribune "Honor Roll" listing of excelling seniors, three out of the five featured for the HHS International Baccalaureate Program are members of the Band.
Tiffany D. Bogle, a Dancerette, will attend the Massachusettes Institute of Technology, and comes out of HHS with numerous credentials, including National Honor Society membership, AP
scholar, and a Kodak Young Leader of America. Tyler M. Mincey will also go to MIT for college, and was a National Merit Scholarship finalist, four-year letterman of the soccer and cross-country teams, and
a Fellowship of Christian Athletes officer.
Andrew B. Curtis is the IB Program's valedictorian, with a weighted grade-point average near 6.7. He will attend Brigham Young University. His accomplishments at Hillsborough include National Merit Scholarship finalist,
Mu Alpha Theta math team awards, and earning the prestigious Eagle Scout title.
The "Honor Roll" section was published in Monday, May 1's, Tampa Tribune.
From Website Administrator Casanova Nurse
At this time, I am in the process of organizing pages in Big Red Band On-line into the following:
- All the main pages (introduction page, "From the Bandroom," "National Tour," links, et al.) will be moved to the Road Runner Tampa Bay account. This will eliminate the sometimes bothersome
advertisement banners from Fortune City which currently adorn these pages.
- All other documentation, including pages in the "National Tour" section, will eventually be located solely on Fortune City. Currently, some of them are already on Fortune City, but one is still located on the old University of South Florida server,
containing links that lead you to a past version of the Band's Website, while most of the Archive section is featured on the Band's Tripod-hosted server. Transferring and updating those pages should provide for smoother navigation and less confusion.
- Since Fortune City provides nearly 100-million bytes of space, any pages currently on Tripod will be moved to Fortune City, and all Tripod pages will be closed. (This is a change from the previous update.)
Moving the pages will involve changing and updating navigation links, some of which still lead to older or invalid pages. Many pages (especially those in the current Archive) still have my old USF E-mail address,
which is no longer checked and will be closed at any given moment. Please be patient as I juggle my teaching, meteorology, and social schedules to complete these changes.
In addition, thanks again to those people offering help with picture scanning and graphics improvement. I will get in touch with you with intentions and more ideas as soon as time permits.
The annual Hillsborough County Solo and Ensemble Festival was held Saturday, February 19. Mr. Farmer announced that HHS participants performed a variety
of music in groups of one to four and took home 80 individual Superior medals and only two Excellents. The Dancerettes also provided a strong showing and left the festival,
held at Howard W. Blake High School, with another Superior rating.
Individual scores can be submitted for posting on "From the Bandroom." E-mail [email protected] or [email protected]
with scores or details.
Information and pictures from the Band's performance in the Sant'Yago Illuminated Knight Parade, also held on February 19, would be appreciated. Please submit information to the same address.
The Band Website Administrator wishes to send a heartfelt and sincere "thanks" to Ms. Karen Arrington and her daughter, sophomore clarinetist Casey Ackermann, for their lending a home computer for more-timely Website updates.
Their assistance is most gratefully appreciated.
Thanks in part to the availability of a personal computer, a new server from Time Warner's Road Runner service will be available to the Webmaster, which will eliminate the hassle of obligatory advertisements that you currently see at the top of most
of these pages. This newest transition -- the third since August 1999 -- will take some time but will not limit the availability of these pages for any extreme length of time.
In addition, thanks to the parents and students who have offered a helping hand in the maintenance of this site. As the site grows, more and more effort has had to been put into it to keep it as up-to-date as it can. It has been a one-man job since
the site's inception in 1997, and has been a challenge nowadays. Any kind of suggestions or additional offers of help will be taken and appreciated.
The St. Petersburg Times profiled the highly-regarded International Baccalaureate program at Hillsborough High School,
an advanced and rigorous curriculum for gifted students. Members of the Big Red Band contributed greatly to the story by Times
journalist Katherine Gazella. It was published Sunday, December 12, 1999.
The most obvious contribution is the color photograph featured at the top front page of the "Tampa & State" section, where the article is located. In it,
senior Tara Port is seen straightening the bowtie of junior drum major Robert Jennings in the band room prior to the start of a football game. The photo was taken by
Amy Newman.
Several Band students were quoted within the text of the article. Commenting of the social interaction of IB and traditional students were seniors Megan Rieger and John Samuelsen:
"People can see if you're an IB student," Samuelsen said, while Rieger discussed experiences when traditional kids talk about "the IB snobs." Sophomore Dancerette Lesley Diaz
mentioned the many activities she and traditionals participate in. "We're all alike. We're all really focused and we have the same goals."
The entire article is located by following this link, while it lasts.

Starting in fall 2000, the Big Red Band will be as dazzling as ever, thanks in part to new uniforms. The two-piece marching garments will feature the Terrier mascot in the front, with "BIG RED" arched above it. The left sleeve will show a black letter H, and the long-time history of
the band will be displayed on the right sleeve -- "THE FIRST SINCE 1885" will encircle an image of the state of Florida. A prototype of the new uniform is featured at left.
The uniforms currently in use were first obtained in 1993.
If you are currently a band member or a band alumnus/alumna, you can now express yourself too! Submit legitimate editorials to the Big Red Band Website for publication. If you have concerns about the program, comments about the quality of the marching show during
a particular game, compliments about a fellow band member's dedication and hard work, or anything else of the like, you can send your words to the Website Administrator via E-mail or give a hard copy to him during any band event. All comments must be band-related and
not intentionally degrading to any person or organization (constructive criticisms are welcome). Selected articles may be edited for taste, clarity, length, and grammatical errors. Articles published on the Website will be
posted on the "From the Bandroom" page for a length of two weeks, then will be transferred to the Archives. Opinions expressed are those of the author of the article, who is solely responsible for its content and does not necessarily represent
the opinions of the Website Administrator or the Directors of the band. Contact the Website Administrator for more information.
Whether you graduated in 1998 or 1898, if you were a part of the extraordinary organization known as the Big Red Band, you qualify to be featured in this special periodic article
profiling band alumni since their departure from Hillsborough High School. Past "Alumni" articles can be found on the On-line Archives page. Contact the Website Administrator if you are interested.
Give us a record of your visit by signing onto the "Band Roster," the guestbook
for the Big Red Band Website. You can access the Band Roster via the link
at the end of this page. Keep in mind Band Roster comments may be edited
for content. Logos from other schools' bands are welcome.
If you are a member of the band and have Website design and management
experience, hypertext mark-up language (HTML) knowledge, and time,
and would like to assist in the site's remodeling and continuous development, your help
is certainly welcome. Contact Website Administrator Casanova Nurse during any band function,
or E-mail him at [email protected].
Upcoming events
Band Camps 2000 scheduled for July 24 through August 4, 2000 . . .
Please submit schedules, highlights, honors, or any type of
information relevant to the band you'd like featured on this page to Casanova
Z. Nurse (the band photographer) during games, rehearsals, or other functions, or submit them by E-mailing
[email protected].
This page created July 25, 1997, and updated May 6, 2000.
This page updated 185 times since July 25, 1997.
This page is an original creation.
Any similarities between this site and any other personal or commercial
site are purely coincidental.
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